Audrey Hepburn at Breakfast at Tiffany’s. Español: Audrey Hepburn en Desayuno con Diamantes. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
In the 1961 film Breakfast at Tiffany’s, Audrey Hepburn personified Tiffany style. Film stars, first ladies and fashion leaders regard Tiffany jewellery as the ultimate fashion accessory and Tiffany’s is sought by jewellery fans the world over.
Rare and brilliant diamonds dazzle in Tiffany’s legendary engagement rings, yellow diamond designs and exquisite statement creations. At EzyCash XXX, there is currently a stunning Tiffany Princess cut diamond ring for sale, set in 18ct white Gold. This beautiful Tiffany ring embodies beauty and sophistication and will make someone special very happy!
For over 170 years, Tiffany & Co has been part of the American and world jewellery and design landscape. Louis 0Comfort Tiffany (son of Founder Charles L Tiffany) was an Art Nouveau leader. Tiffany creations, – from Art Deco pieces to the nature-inspired works of Elsa Peretti have broken new ground time and again.
Tiffany also creates some spectacular collectibles, like a diamond-studded Tiffany pocket watch with a chain made of tiny gold handcuffs, presented to magician and escape artist Harry Houdini.
During the Civil War, Tiffany produced ceremonial swords. In the 1880s, Tiffany redesigned the Great Seal of the United States, which can be seen on the dollar bill and the Congressional Medal of Honor.
Winners of American sailing, horse racing, baseball, Sprint Cars and dozens of other events, receive trophies created by Tiffany.
Perhaps you have been given or inherited Tiffany jewellery that is not your style? Then right now is a good time to have it valued by EzyCash Gold Buyers.
The team at EzyCash Gold Buyers are knowledgeable high-end vintage and second-hand jewellery appraisers, so you can be sure that you’ll receive a fair appraisal and the best price for your unwanted Tiffany, diamond, gold and platinum jewellery.
Broken jewellery can also be valuable. You might not want to repair Tiffany jewellery pieces you don’t love or want to wear – instead, see EzyCash Gold Buyers for the best price, in cash, instantly, today!
English: Gold Jewelry / Gold Jewellery (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Chain store fashion doesn’t tend to be high quality or unique. People today have larger wardrobes, but many pieces are mass produced and made from inferior fabrics.
As a result, there’s a growing demand for quality and individuality, leading to a higher demand for quality vintage fashion – and jewellery. Carla Caruso of Jeweller Magazine says “There is something magical about a jewellery piece with a past; wearing one is almost like being able to travel back in time to a bygone era.”
Art Deco jewellery is thought to have originated in Paris in 1925, after an art exhibition featuring futurism and cubism. Egypt was also an influence – the discovery of King Tut’s tomb in 1923 captured people’s imaginations.
Art Deco style is comprised of curved pieces, angular lines, bold colours and geometric shapes. Long earrings and necklaces, cocktail rings, intricate filigree and tassels are also typical.
Jewellery pieces were often made from diamonds, white gold and new metals like platinum, by major fashion houses including Tiffany & Co, Van Cleef & Arpels and Cartier.
Though Art Deco style is celebrated in modern movies like The Great Gatsby (directed by Baz Luhrmann, 2013) and Grace of Monaco (directed by Olivier Dahan, 2014), distinctive Art Deco jewellery does not necessarily appeal to everybody.
Perhaps you have been given or inherited Art Deco jewellery that is not your style? Then right now is a good time to have it valued by EzyCash Gold Buyers.
The team at EzyCash Gold Buyers are knowledgeable high-end vintage and second-hand jewellery appraisers, so you can be sure that you’ll receive a fair appraisal and the best price for your unwanted diamond, white gold and platinum Art Deco jewellery.
Broken jewellery can also be valuable. You might not want to repair Art Deco jewellery pieces you don’t love or want to wear – instead, see EzyCash Gold Buyers.
EzyCash buys your broken and dated diamond, white gold, platinum and Art Deco jewellery for cash, giving you the best price, in cash, instantly.
Old Gold Ring
Hugely successful NZ fantasy films like the Lord of the Rings trilogy and The Hobbit, and television series like Game of Thrones, have entertained millions.
The fantasy genre is very popular right now – and having a huge effect on fashion. Jewellery is no exception.
India Nicholson of Jeweller Magazine writes that “a recent collaboration between London-based Crow’s Nest Jewels and Walt Disney is one of the many jewellery collections that have emerged from a fantasy juggernaut.”
NZ suppliers Worth & Douglas hold the licensing rights for The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings jewellery, including the famed gold “One Ring”.
As any Lord of the Rings fan knows, a gold ring is always valuable.
Since ancient times, gold rings have symbolised engagement or marriage, status or been used as a seal for personal or business use.
But sometimes, a gold ring is not something you want to keep.
EzyCash Gold Buyers, Auckland’s favourite gold and diamond jewellery and luxury watch buyers, give instant cash for your unwanted gold wedding and gold engagement rings and gold jewellery.
If you have inherited or been given a gold ring you don’t want to wear, you can easily get your gold ring and jewellery instantly valued by EzyCash Gold Buyers.
Broken gold rings are also valuable. EzyCash Gold Buyers buy your broken and dated gold rings and gold jewellery for cash, giving you the best price, in cash, instantly.
Auckland’s EzyCash Gold Buyers are knowledgeable high-end vintage and second-hand gold and diamond jewellery, and luxury watch, appraisers. They use only the latest technology to value your gold. You can be certain you’ll receive a fair appraisal and the very best price for when they buy your unwanted gold jewellery.
Sell Old or Broken Jewellery for New Spring Jewellery
Spring brings that longed for sun and warmer weather. In the Domain, colourful, fragrant daffodils are starting to pop up …and in shops, you’ll see the latest new Spring inspired gold jewellery.
This year, gold jewellery is combined with serene colours ranging from neutrals and soft pastels, especially blues and pinks, as well as orange and red brights.
Spring 2014 gold jewellery is inspired by nature. You’ll see delicate gold blossoms, gold birds and even gold butterflies. Real diamonds are placed in the centre and petals of flowers, and on the wings of the birds and butterflies, to highlight their delicate beauty.
These motifs feature in ranges by Van Cleef & Arpels, Tiffany & Co and in local gold jewellery ranges by designers Karen Walker and Boh Runga.
Of course, gold and diamond jewellery is always highly prized because of its value and rarity. But sometimes your gold jewellery can look dated and unfashionable. If you don’t love your gold jewellery – perhaps you have been given or inherited a piece that is just not your style, or is very unfashionable – right now is a good time to have your gold and diamond jewellery valued by EzyCash Gold Buyers .
The team at EzyCash Gold Buyers are knowledgeable high-end vintage and second-hand gold and diamond jewellery appraisers, so you can be sure that you’ll receive a fair appraisal and the best price for your unwanted jewellery.
Broken gold jewellery can also be valuable. You might not want to repair gold jewellery pieces you don’t love or want to wear – instead, see EzyCash Gold Buyers.
EzyCash buys your broken and dated gold jewellery for cash, giving you the best price, in cash, instantly.
EzyCash’s gold jewellery buying service is straightforward, discreet and fast. EzyCash considers gold jewellery in any condition – so call now to arrange for a no obligation valuation.
With the high overall value of gold and market fluctuations affecting the price on a day to day basis – getting an accurate value for your gold, be it gold jewellery, bullion, coins or broken gold jewellery is absolutely essential to ensure you get a fair deal when you want to buy gold or sell your gold.
Most gold buyers use a range of valuation methods including displacement and acid tests, but these are not always accurate and can even damage the items being tested. Ezycash Goldbuyers use the latest technology to provide you with the best price when you are looking to buy gold or sell your gold.
Ezycash Goldbuyers have their very own gold analyzer x-ray machine, called the Olympus GoldXpert XRF Analyzer.
The GoldXpert gives accurate chemistry and karat results within seconds and provides non-destructive testing. As it does use x-rays to perform the analysis, the operators at Ezycash Goldbuyers are certified – but you need not worry if your gold is being tested as the amount of x-rays being used are very low. The test provides a quick, on the spot value and enables the best possible price to be offered.
Likewise if you are looking to increase your gold bullion assets, you are more than welcome to make use of the analyzer to check the purity of the gold you are purchasing from Ezycash Goldbuyers, so that you can complete the transaction with confidence.
The gold x-ray analyzer can also provide an on the spot analysis of silver and other precious metals and enables you to see for yourself that you are getting the best possible price on your gold, silver and other items of jewellery and bullion as the testing chamber has a window so you know the results provided are on your items – so no magic tricks at play here, just good honest technology providing you with the best possible price for your gold.
As you can see from the photos – your gold is placed into the testing chamber, which is then closed but you can still see your item via the viewing window.
Once the test is completed, the LCD window provides a clear analysis result which you can read and all within seconds.
For anyone looking to buy or sell gold, it is worth a visit to see Joe and his team at Ezycash Goldbuyers. They are the gold smart people and have the technology to prove it!
When we think of gold – many of us think of bullion bars, gold coins or gold jewellery. Globally world consumption of mined gold is about half for use in jewellery, 40 percent for investment purposes and the rest is used in industry.
Gold is a popular symbol for power, richness and royalty – and these representations are what make gold popular for jewellery as well as the softness of pure gold and its ability to be crafted to an almost limitless number of shapes and styles. Gold is often mixed with other alloys for use in the manufacture of jewellery to provide a variety of colour and hardness to gold jewellery with copper being the most popular base metal.
It is because of these “mixed” alloys found in most gold jewellery that the first thing to do when looking for a valuation on your gold jewellery is to identify what the percentage – or carats (k) of gold is present. The basic, and still quite common test is the “acid” test – where literally acid is applied to a scratching of the jewellery. A soft sandpaper is rubbed against the piece to be valued, and the fine dust produced has a few drops of acid applied. The reaction from this turns the acid a particular colour – depending on the purity of the gold, and from this “acid test” a piece of gold or gold jewellery can then be valued.
There is also a more “primitive” displacement method, where your gold item is placed in water and the amount of water displaced can provide an indication as to the purity of the item.
But to get real certainty as to the value of your precious gold jewellery at Ezycash Goldbuyers they have a proper X-Ray machine that accurately identifies the purity of gold in any gold piece, providing you the best valuation for your gold bullion, coin or jewellery.
This clever machine, called the Gold Xpert is manufactured by Olympus and as you can see from the images it provides the most accurate analysis of your gold – enabling you to get the best possible price.
So if you want to see the Gold Xpert in action – take your gold jewellery, gold bullion piece or even gold nugget to the team and Ezycash Goldbuyers and ask for a complimentary X-Ray!
Since the earliest of times man has found uses for gold for both ornamental and religious purposes but also as a representation of wealth.
In more recent history – gold was used a currency and means of exchange between nations.
Current use of gold is split nearly 50/50 between jewellery vs investments and industrial use and its history as coinage has helped gold maintain appeal as an investment.
The first know gold coins were in use in Asia Minor around 600BC and gold coin became a popular European currency from the 14th century.
It was during the industrial era that bills (or cheques) gained popularity representing a face value redeemable in gold – which remained in the bank.
The value of gold is based on its purity. Pure gold is rated as 24 carats (k) and coins generally have another metal added to aid coin hardness which dilutes this purity. English gold crowns coins, which circulated from 1526 and into the 1930s were a standard 22k and American gold coins minted in the early 1800’s had a purity of 21.6k.
Today, gold coins for investment or collector purposes don’t get handled so much (they are certainly not seen in tip jars around town!), so they are minted at 24k. There are a few exceptions but it is the Special Issue Canadian Gold Maple Leaf coin that has the highest purity at 99.999%.
Some gold coins you could find under the sofa cushions;
If you do happen to find one of these coins under the sofa cushion, you may try to do what was an old tradition of biting a coin to check if it was genuine.
An early form of counterfeiting was to cover a lead “coin” in gold plate to pass it off as a full value gold coin. If the coin was a fake – the bite test would leave a clear indentation. A more professional test of the time was to cross check the weight of the coin against its size by passing the coin through a narrow slot.
At EzyCash GoldBuyers –you will be pleased to hear that you don’t need to worry about us breaking our dentures biting your gold coin to check its authenticity – we will use our fandangled analysis machine to do a quick, spit free and accurate test – and ensure you get the best possible price for your gold coins.
English: Crystaline Gold (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
At EzyCash Goldbuyers – we thought it was time for a bit of a back to basics look at what gold is and where gold comes from – and that part may very well surprise you!
First off, we’ll take a look at what gold is – and why it is so heavy.
Gold is a metal and a chemical element – so in times past the pursuit of creating gold from other materials – mainly lead, was the beginning of chemistry as a science and profession. Gold has the symbol Au and atomic number 79 which doesn’t sound half as interesting as gold is!
Its colour will not tarnish when exposed to air or water and gold is solid in normal conditions which is why we hear so much about it as a nugget or grain.
The weight of gold is due to the fact that each atom has within it a large nuclei when compared to other metals and these atoms are also more densely packed together. Gold is often thought of as heavy like lead, however it is actually nearly twice the weight of lead.
Despite this density and weight – gold is incredibly malleable; A gold nugget of 5 mm round can be expanded through hammering into a gold foil of about 0.5 square meters and gold can even be flattened thin enough to be transparent. Flattened gold is known as gold leaf and these sheets of gold are used for decorations on foods and in beverages.
So Gold, apart from its general allure is amazingly versatile. Fancy food aside, gold is used in everything from jewellery and investments, as a standard for trade and security, in electronics, space suit sun visors and even heat resistant suits.
But it’s where all this gold that is used in so many places comes from that may surprise you. Whilst there is certainly a lot of gold in the earth – practically all of our “domestic” gold is probably irretrievable being close to the earth’s core having sunk there due to its mass when the earth first formed.
Surprise surprise – about half of the gold that has been mined since man first picked up a nugget is an import from outer space!
Yes that gold in your earring’s, or in the ring on your finger or even in the gold flake that you just ate with a very special dessert is probably from a meteorite that crashed to earth millions of years ago.
So there you go, aside from its near mystical appeal and allure – gold really is a gift from the stars.
EzyCash Gold Buyers now offers extremely accurate gold quality testing with the use of our new X-ray gold testing machine. This gold testing machine allows us to provide accurate readings on the quality of gold jewellery, gold pieces, coins and other gold plated items through non-destructive X-ray technology. This eliminates the need for messy, dangerous acid testing and ensures that your pieces of gold jewellery do not need to be damaged in order to determine their quality.
Read more on Accurate Gold Purity Analysis and Testing at EzyCash Gold Buyers.
Do you have broken jewellery that you can no longer wear? No problem. Customers often don’t realise that we are interested in any type of gold, including pieces that are broken, worn, or unwearable, such as broken gold chains, pieces of gold chain, misshapen gold ring and broken watches.
Ezycash Gold Buyers purchase a wide range of quality watch brands, gold jewellery and silver jewellery for an excellent cash price. We offer fair appraisals in line with market rates for gold, silver, platinum or palladium and will always present very competitive gold buying prices.
If you’re in need of some quick cash, or just keen to get rid of the old jewellery you have in your drawers, come in to see us at Ezycash Gold Buyers to trade in your old gold watch, investment piece or unwanted jewellery – it could be worth more than you realise. Our customers are frequently surprised at the high cash price they receive for their jewellery – especially broken gold jewellery that they didn’t realise could still be worth a good price.
So, whether it’s unworn, unwanted, antique or broken, bring in your luxury watches and gold jewellery – including white gold, yellow gold and rose gold – for a expert valuation – and walk out the door with an excellent cash payment. Pull out those broken bits and pieces and come in and see us in-store, or arrange for an Ezycash Mobile Gold Buyer to come visit you in the privacy of your own home.
EzyCash Gold Buyers
Phone: (09) 570 1511
Fax: (09) 570 1527
[email protected]
30B Jellicoe Road
Panmure, Auckland East