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]]>Olympus GoldXpert XRF Analyzer
With the high overall value of gold and market fluctuations affecting the price on a day to day basis – getting an accurate value for your gold, be it gold jewellery, bullion, coins or broken gold jewellery is absolutely essential to ensure you get a fair deal when you want to buy gold or sell your gold.
Most gold buyers use a range of valuation methods including displacement and acid tests, but these are not always accurate and can even damage the items being tested. Ezycash Goldbuyers use the latest technology to provide you with the best price when you are looking to buy gold or sell your gold.
Ezycash Goldbuyers have their very own gold analyzer x-ray machine, called the Olympus GoldXpert XRF Analyzer.
The GoldXpert gives accurate chemistry and karat results within seconds and provides non-destructive testing. As it does use x-rays to perform the analysis, the operators at Ezycash Goldbuyers are certified – but you need not worry if your gold is being tested as the amount of x-rays being used are very low. The test provides a quick, on the spot value and enables the best possible price to be offered.
Likewise if you are looking to increase your gold bullion assets, you are more than welcome to make use of the analyzer to check the purity of the gold you are purchasing from Ezycash Goldbuyers, so that you can complete the transaction with confidence.
The gold x-ray analyzer can also provide an on the spot analysis of silver and other precious metals and enables you to see for yourself that you are getting the best possible price on your gold, silver and other items of jewellery and bullion as the testing chamber has a window so you know the results provided are on your items – so no magic tricks at play here, just good honest technology providing you with the best possible price for your gold.
As you can see from the photos – your gold is placed into the testing chamber, which is then closed but you can still see your item via the viewing window.
Once the test is completed, the LCD window provides a clear analysis result which you can read and all within seconds.
For anyone looking to buy or sell gold, it is worth a visit to see Joe and his team at Ezycash Goldbuyers. They are the gold smart people and have the technology to prove it!
The post Accurate Price of Gold NZ appeared first on EzyCash Gold Buyers.
]]>The post Get your gold jewellery accurately analysed appeared first on EzyCash Gold Buyers.
]]>When we think of gold – many of us think of bullion bars, gold coins or gold jewellery. Globally world consumption of mined gold is about half for use in jewellery, 40 percent for investment purposes and the rest is used in industry.
Gold is a popular symbol for power, richness and royalty – and these representations are what make gold popular for jewellery as well as the softness of pure gold and its ability to be crafted to an almost limitless number of shapes and styles. Gold is often mixed with other alloys for use in the manufacture of jewellery to provide a variety of colour and hardness to gold jewellery with copper being the most popular base metal.
It is because of these “mixed” alloys found in most gold jewellery that the first thing to do when looking for a valuation on your gold jewellery is to identify what the percentage – or carats (k) of gold is present. The basic, and still quite common test is the “acid” test – where literally acid is applied to a scratching of the jewellery. A soft sandpaper is rubbed against the piece to be valued, and the fine dust produced has a few drops of acid applied. The reaction from this turns the acid a particular colour – depending on the purity of the gold, and from this “acid test” a piece of gold or gold jewellery can then be valued.
There is also a more “primitive” displacement method, where your gold item is placed in water and the amount of water displaced can provide an indication as to the purity of the item.
But to get real certainty as to the value of your precious gold jewellery at Ezycash Goldbuyers they have a proper X-Ray machine that accurately identifies the purity of gold in any gold piece, providing you the best valuation for your gold bullion, coin or jewellery.
This clever machine, called the Gold Xpert is manufactured by Olympus and as you can see from the images it provides the most accurate analysis of your gold – enabling you to get the best possible price.
So if you want to see the Gold Xpert in action – take your gold jewellery, gold bullion piece or even gold nugget to the team and Ezycash Goldbuyers and ask for a complimentary X-Ray!
The post Get your gold jewellery accurately analysed appeared first on EzyCash Gold Buyers.