Solid Gold Bullion
Where is it found?
Gold is found as very small flecks in the quartz veins of hard rocks. Machines crush the rock, and a cyanide wash helped to separate out the gold.
Alluvial gold comes from the rocks worn down to sand and gravel over many thousands of years by rivers or glaciers. The gold lies in the gravel of river beds and can be sifted by hand using a pan, sluiced, dredged, or dug up with machines.
First discoveries
The first recorded discovery of gold in New Zealand was a small amount at Driving Creek near Coromandel in 1852. Some years later there were more discoveries around Golden Bay, Marlborough, Otago and on the West Coast.
Otago’s first gold rush was in 1861. Thousands of diggers went there to make their fortune.
West Coast
There were gold rushes on the West Coast from 1865. Miners cut through bush to reach the goldfields. Towns named Quartzopolis, Goldsborough and Crushingtown were quickly built to house the miners, and disappeared when they moved on.
Coromandel Peninsula
The first big find was near Thames in 1867. The gold was in hard rocks and expensive to mine, so companies rather than individuals took over. There were several very rich mines in this area, especially the Martha mine at Waihi.
Mining today
Gold helped make New Zealand’s economy successful because it attracted workers, investors and shipping. Because the price of gold was fixed, gold mining declined in the mid-20th century, but it was revived in the 1980s when the price was allowed to float.
Today, gold still earns NZ millions of dollars each year as modern machinery makes it possible to dig in places that were once impossible to mine. Large mines are in operation at Waihi and in Otago. Since ancient times, gold rings have symbolised engagement or marriage, status or been used as a seal for personal or business use.
But sometimes, a gold ring is not something you want to keep.
EzyCash Gold Buyers, Auckland’s favourite gold and diamond jewellery and luxury watch buyers, give instant cash for your unwanted gold and gold jewellery.
If you have inherited or been given gold, you can easily get it instantly valued by EzyCash Gold Buyers.
Broken gold is also valuable. EzyCash Gold Buyers buy your broken and dated gold rings and gold jewellery for cash, giving you the best price, in cash, instantly.
Auckland’s EzyCash Gold Buyers are knowledgeable high-end vintage and second-hand gold and diamond jewellery, and luxury watch, appraisers. They use only the latest technology to value your gold. You can be certain you’ll receive a fair appraisal and the very best price for when they buy your unwanted gold.
Old Gold Ring
Hugely successful NZ fantasy films like the Lord of the Rings trilogy and The Hobbit, and television series like Game of Thrones, have entertained millions.
The fantasy genre is very popular right now – and having a huge effect on fashion. Jewellery is no exception.
India Nicholson of Jeweller Magazine writes that “a recent collaboration between London-based Crow’s Nest Jewels and Walt Disney is one of the many jewellery collections that have emerged from a fantasy juggernaut.”
NZ suppliers Worth & Douglas hold the licensing rights for The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings jewellery, including the famed gold “One Ring”.
As any Lord of the Rings fan knows, a gold ring is always valuable.
Since ancient times, gold rings have symbolised engagement or marriage, status or been used as a seal for personal or business use.
But sometimes, a gold ring is not something you want to keep.
EzyCash Gold Buyers, Auckland’s favourite gold and diamond jewellery and luxury watch buyers, give instant cash for your unwanted gold wedding and gold engagement rings and gold jewellery.
If you have inherited or been given a gold ring you don’t want to wear, you can easily get your gold ring and jewellery instantly valued by EzyCash Gold Buyers.
Broken gold rings are also valuable. EzyCash Gold Buyers buy your broken and dated gold rings and gold jewellery for cash, giving you the best price, in cash, instantly.
Auckland’s EzyCash Gold Buyers are knowledgeable high-end vintage and second-hand gold and diamond jewellery, and luxury watch, appraisers. They use only the latest technology to value your gold. You can be certain you’ll receive a fair appraisal and the very best price for when they buy your unwanted gold jewellery.
If you want to sell your unwanted gold jewellery, broken gold or scrap gold, the place to come is of course EzyCash Gold Buyers in Panmure, Auckland. You’re always guaranteed an expert valuation of your scrap gold or broken gold and you’ll receive a top cash price.
But as well as being the best place to sell your unwanted gold, EzyCash Gold Buyers is now offering you an opportunity to become a gold investor. Right now, EzyCash has a selection of gold bullion and silver bullion available for purchase that could become an investment into your future.
By turning your paper wealth into precious metals, you could protect yourself from one of economic’s inevitabilities: inflation. Continue reading
Well once again we have seen a huge increase in the price of gold, as investors overseas run scared from the stock market the gold price has not only passed but smashed through the $1700.00 US an ounce mark going to an all time high. And once again the US and Euro zone debt crisis is fueling peoples fears of a second dip world wide recession.As gold fluctuates between $1770 and $1730 we have seen people scrambling for the cover and security in what is considered by all as the safe haven of Gold.
What we have seen here in New Zealand has shadowed the international markets but also we have seen the NZ dollarweakening against the greenback losing almost 8 cents in a week, so what does this all mean.
What this does mean is that there has never been a better time to sell your old gold, broken gold, gold scrap.
The gold price surges higher and the NZ dollar lowers we are seeing a great price for Gold.
We have seen many people lately selling their old gold scrap and reaping the rewards of an all time high gold price.
We have seen allsorts of gold coming out of the woodwork lately and we are happy to pass on the high gold prices to our clients.
We can offer one of the best prices around for your old gold jewellery, scrap gold, broken gold, we will buy any type of gold.If its gold then we will buy it and we will pay the best price for it and we will pay you cash on the spot.
As reported yesterday by the New Zealand Herald, the rising price of gold has increased interest in gold mining in Alaska.
A gold rush (like Alaska saw a century ago) is unlikely as most people would be put off by the amount of work, time and money needed to produce significant amounts of gold. People can spend hours gold prospecting (which is back-breaking labour) with only a few gold flakes to show for it.
That said, there are some hardy gold miners for who a tiny bit of gold is more than enough to keep going. Bill Dunleavy has been gold prospecting in Alaska for 46 years and found this enormous, 5 ounce gold nugget in the early 1990s.
Soon after he found the gold nugget someone offered to buy it for $20,000, but he refused. Who knows how much the gold nugget would fetch nowadays?
In the past 20 years, 180 million ounces of gold has been discovered in Alaska with a possibility of more gold. Recently the number of gold claims being bought is up, the number of smaller gold mining operations has increased and two major gold mining projects are underway in southwest Alaska.
If you happen to be holidaying in Alaska and find a nugget like Bill Dunleavy’s, come into EzyCash Gold Buyers when you return to New Zealand for a top cash price. We also pay top cash prices for any unwanted gold, silver, diamonds and luxury watches.
EzyCash Gold Buyers is always looking for old silver coins as they contain a high amount of pure silver. Specifically, we’re looking for British silver coins and New Zealand silver coins from before the end of the Second World War and Australian silver coins and US silver coins from before the mid 1960s.
We will also take a look at silver coins from other countries.
Maybe you’ve stumbled across some old silver coins but you’re not sure about what kind of silver coin they might be. Here’s a tip about identifying silver coins from home before bringing them in to EzyCash Gold Buyers’ Panmure store. Continue reading
It’s a great time to be selling gold right now – the price of gold is very high and doesn’t look like dropping. Get cash for gold at EzyCash Gold Buyers – cash for unwanted gold, broken gold, gold bullion, gold jewellery as well as cash for gold nuggets. You may have this kind of gold at home or, you could go out and find it yourself……by panning for gold.
Gold in New Zealand was first discovered in the 1830s in the Coromandel but we didn’t get on the gold-mining map until the 1850s and 60s with a big gold discovery in Otago.
Much of the gold was in hard rock but some gold could be found in river gravel. That’s why so many men flocked to New Zealand at that time to try and make their fortune with gold – all they needed to pan gold was a pick, a shovel and a gold pan.
And, believe it or not, there is still some gold left. The bulk of the gold has gone (the gold rush in the 1860s and 70s took care of that) but you never know, you could stumble across an untapped piece of river, strike it lucky and get enough cash for your gold to retire.
So, how do you pan for gold? It takes a little practice, but panning for gold is a fairly simple process. Continue reading
Omega luxury watches – another Swiss watch brand that will net you a top cash price when you bring it to EzyCash Gold Buyers in Panmure, Auckland.
Omega watches have a long and proud history and is now one of the most well-respected luxury watch brands in the world.
Omega watches was started in 1848 by Louis Brandt who hand-made precision Omega watches in a tiny workshop in La Chaux-de-Fonds,Switzerland. Brandt died in 1879 and left the business to his two sons. They started to think bigger, taking Omega watches into a larger manufacturing context and gaining control of the whole production process.
From there, Omega watches have gone from strength to strength, becoming unique not only because of the quality of their watches but due to their association with the Olympic Games, the American moon landings and even James Bond.
Omega watches and the Olympic Games
Omega watches have been official timekeepers for the Olympics since theLos Angelesgames in 1932. Over the last 70 years, Omega watches have pioneered several technological advances in the sporting arena:
EzyCash Gold Buyers
Phone: (09) 570 1511
Fax: (09) 570 1527
[email protected]
30B Jellicoe Road
Panmure, Auckland East